Oath of Obedience: A Dark Mafia Romance

Title: Oath of Obedience: A Dark Mafia Romance
Series: Deviant Doms #2

Marriage to a stranger is only the beginning.
She'll have my baby, too.

Many things have changed while I've been in prison.
The Family has been decimated.
Our enemies have gotten bolder.
My brother has taken the reins as the new Boss.

But one thing hasn’t changed: my loyalty.
So when I’m released from prison only to be shackled to the daughter of our organization’s biggest traitor, I agree.

My new wife has taken oaths to love, honor, and obey.

I don’t want her affection.
I don’t need her honor.
But I will gladly take pleasure in her body.
I will force her to carry my child.
And I will have her obedience.

But when the dark, dangerous secret she harbors threatens to destroy us, my unwilling bride will learn exactly how I mete out punishment to those who break their oaths...

Oath of Silence: A Dark Mafia Romance

Title: Oath of Silence: A Dark Mafia Romance
Series: Deviant Doms #1

I'll give her my ring to claim my crown.

Vittoria DeSanto leaves me no choice.

What she knows could destroy me.
Destroy my family.
And I won't allow that.

She's homeless, penniless, powerless.
I’ll give her the life of a mafia princess.
Anything she desires will be hers…

Except her freedom.

Because our marriage will make me The Boss of the Rossi crime family.
My word is law.
All must respect my authority,
Especially Vittoria.

The stubborn woman will learn.

Her place is by my side.
In my bed.
Over. My. Knee.

The Bratva’s Heir: A Dark Bratva Romance

Title: The Bratva's Heir: A Dark Bratva Romance
Series: Underworld Kings #1

A stand-alone novel in the "Underworld Kings" series

Prison’s a dark, bleak place.
But Clare brings me light.
My sweet little bird will be my ticket to freedom.

The first time I saw her, I had to have her.
From her big, dark eyes, to the curves she can’t conceal...
The way she can only hold my gaze so long.
The way she shivers every time I move inside these chains.
And most of all, the way she’ll bend the rules when I order her to...

I know a natural submissive when I see one.
Her degrees and titles don’t change who she is: a woman who will bend to my will.
She doesn’t know it yet, but Clare is mine.

Mine to train.
Mine to protect.
And mine to control.

The Bratva’s Baby

Title: The Bratva's Baby
Series: Wicked Doms #1

My orders are simple.
Capture her.
Marry her.
Take her inheritance.
Get rid of her.

The bookish little recluse is worth more than she knows.

She’s an unassuming librarian.
I’m the brigadier of the Russian Bratva.
She has no friends.
I command a small army.
She’s a modest woman.

And now she’s mine.

Own Me

Title: Own Me
Series: Masters of Corsica #1

She needs money.
I need her.

They say I’m jealous.

I say I know what I want,
And I want her.

She’ll be my submissive.
My property.
I’ll teach her what it means to submit,
I’ll show her what it means to obey.

So I hire her for a job.
To be my accomplice
We’ll pull off the biggest heist known to Corsica.
They say money doesn’t buy love…
But it can buy her.


Title: Erlösung
Series: Die Könige von New York #1

Sie ist lebhaft, wunderschön, unmöglich.


Und alles meins.

Ich führe keine halbherzigen Beziehungen.

Wenn ich die eigensinnigste und hartnäckigste Unterwürfige im Visier habe, die ich je getroffen habe, bin ich voll dabei.

Ich zeige ihr die dunkle, sinnliche Welt, nach der sie sich sehnt, dominiere sie und lasse sie nach mehr betteln.

Aber wenn ihre Sicherheit gefährdet ist, braucht sie mehr als nur einen Dom:

Sie braucht einen Schutz.

Keenan: Eine Dunkle Irische Mafia-Romanze

Title: Keenan
Series: Gefährlich Gebieter #1


Ich wurde in einem vergoldeten Käfig gehalten.

Versteckt vor der Welt der Männer.

Ich war naiv.

Ich war unschuldig.

Bis er kam.

Bis zu der Nacht, in der der König der Unterwelt mich zu seinem Eigentum machte.



Ich bin der Thronfolger.

Der König der Unterwelt.

Wenn das Leben meiner Männer auf dem Spiel steht, mache ich keine Gefangenen...

Bis sie kam.


Niemand wird sie anrühren.

Sie gehört mir.

Meine Gefangene.

Meine Frau.


Title: Sovereign: A Dark Bratva Forced Marriage Romance
Series: Wicked Vows #1

Powerful and merciless. Cunning and cruel.
A monster wrapped in luxury and wealth.
Mikhail Romanov is my opposite in every way…
And my new husband.

In exchange for his protection…
He’ll demand everything from me.
My obedience...My submission....My body.

But marriage is only the beginning.
I’ll have his baby, too.

I thought I was clever. A penniless hacker hiding from the world.
That no one would discover who I am and what I’ve done...I was so wrong.

The Solution: Marry the man more powerful than my enemies.
While endless wealth and power don’t melt his icy glare…
The fiery tension between us threatens to combust every second we’re near.
Every command.
Every touch.

If I leave, I have nowhere to go.
I’m being hunted by his enemies.
But if I stay? I’m wedded to a monster who plans to keep me forever.


Sovereign – Alternate Cover Print Edition

Title: Sovereign: A Dark Bratva Forced Marriage Romance
Series: Wicked Vows #1

Powerful and merciless. Cunning and cruel.
A monster wrapped in luxury and wealth.
Mikhail Romanov is my opposite in every way…
And my new husband.

In exchange for his protection…
He’ll demand everything from me.
My obedience.
My submission.
My body.
But marriage is only the beginning.
I’ll have his baby, too.

I thought I was clever. A penniless hacker hiding from the world.
That no one would discover who I am and what I’ve done.
I was so wrong.

The Solution: Marry the man more powerful than my enemies.
While endless wealth and power don’t melt his icy glare…
The fiery tension between us threatens to combust every second we’re near.
Every command...every touch.

If I leave, I have nowhere to go. I’m being hunted by his enemies.
But if I stay? I’m wedded to a monster who plans to keep me forever.


Title: Priceless
Series: Ruthless Doms #1

USA Today bestselling author Jane Henry delivers a high-stakes, gritty story of forbidden romance, devastation, and taboo love that knows no bounds.

She's barely legal.
Under my protection.
Fully off-limits.
But all mine.

A fully stand-alone spin-off from The Wicked Doms series.